Together for a better future: cooperation between GISHAGI and the Auyl Party

1 August 2024
As part of the joint work of GISHAGI and the Almaty regional branch of the People's Democratic Patriotic Party "Auyl", the following topical issues were discussed:
  • the creation of open-use agricultural maps;
  • inventory of agroforestry plantations (protective forest strips) on agricultural lands;
  • calculating the areas of land contours for the purposes of the state land cadastre;
  • conducting an inventory of agricultural lands involved in agricultural turnover;
  • creating an atlas of agricultural land, including by region;
  • creating a forest map reflecting, among other things: forest
  • crops, burnt and dry areas, as well as windbreaks and cut down forest;
  • shrubs, shrubs and other shrubby plants;
  • protective forest strips and other types of forest belts;
  • forest plantations along watercourses and in coastal areas;
  • forest strips on sandy soils, nurseries, parks and foresters' estates;
  • free-standing trees and groups of saxaula and elfin;
  • elements of forests and shrubs connected to the irrigation network or irrigated;
  • swampy forests and shrubs, as well as clearings and roads in the forest area; and more.

Chairman of the Almaty regional branch of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Auyl" Akhmetbek Konyrbayev expressed support and willingness to cooperate in the implementation of these initiatives.

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