
Salybekov Nurbol Nurlybekov
Azizov Eldar Alikovich
Associate Director
Daurenbayev, Amangeldi Aidarovich
Associate Director
Syzdykov Kairgeldy Sadykovich
Associate Director
Zhumabayeva Meiramkul Bitanovna
Chief accountant
Department of Cartography, Information Systems and Technical Support
Bekkuliyev Akylbek Adilkhanovich
Head of the Cartography Information Systems and
Technical Support Department
Department of Administrative Work 
Turgunbayev Miras Bakytzhanovich
Head of the Department of Administrative Work
Anti-corruption Compliance Service
Tusupov Yerzhan Ongarbayevich
Head of the Anti-Corruption Compliance Service
Internal Audit Service
Bazyluly Erbol
Head of the Internal Audit Service
Department of Economics
Appakov Mukhan Shakhmayevich
Head of the Economics Department
Department of Public Procurement
Altynbaeva Akmaral Saparova
Head of the Public Procurement Department
Department of Legal Support
Bestibayev Yernar Nurlanovich
Head of the Legal Support Department
HR and Document Management Department
Animarbekov Almaz Sergazievich
Head of the HR and Document Management Department
Marketing Management
Nurkanov Altai Nurkanovich
Head of Marketing Department
Planning and Design Department

Voronina Tatyana Ivanovna
Head of the Planning and Design Department
Information Systems and Technical Support Department
 Abdraimov Olzhas Serikkhanovich
Head of the Information
Systems and Technical Support Department
Office for the Protection of State Secrets
Emberdiev Nurlan Alimdzhanovichч
Head of the Department for the Protection
of State Secrets
Occupational Safety and Health Service
Seiduakas Balzhan Seilzhaidarovna
Head of the Occupational Safety and Health Service
Management of economic work
Beda Pavel Ivanovich
Head of the Department of Economic Work