Photogrammetric works

Photogrammetric work includes the organization and conduct of aerial photography, processing of the obtained material (aerial photographs) and the release of finished products in digital form, as well as on paper.

The photogrammetric department of our company is a modern high-tech production unit equipped with modern equipment and software. Experienced staff with high quality and on time will perform photogrammetric processing of aerial photography materials. The results of the processing data can be photoplanes, orthophotoplanes, stereo contour decoding materials, horizontals, a three-dimensional terrain model, etc. We can carry out the whole range of work (before creating topocards and special maps) so are its individual parts (creating orthophotoplanes or horizontals)

1. We can organize, design and control aerial photography work on the object of work.

2. Aerial photography and photogrammetric processing is the cheapest, easiest and fastest way to obtain data on the spatial position of points over large areas.

Types of photogrammetric work:

  • Photo circuit and caped mounting of photographs
  • Condensation of the photogrammetric network, block phototriangulation
  • Digital terrain models
  • Mosaic orthophotoplane
  • Horizontals and pickets, relief elements that are not expressed horizontally
  • Stereo vectorization, topographic three-dimensional map

Photogrammetric works

Determination of the shape, size, position and other characteristics of objects based on their photographic images