GISHAGI begins field work on decryption

1 August 2024
Today, the first units of the GISHAGI have left for the Turkestan region to perform field work on decryption (decryption – identification, recognition and characterization of objects depicted on Earth remote sensing materials (aerial photographs, satellite images, photoplanes, orthophotoplanes).
The field decoding method involves comparing the photographic image of all contours and objects in aerial photographs (satellite images, photoplanes, orthophotoplanes) directly with nature.
The decryption process plays a key role in the creation of a digital agricultural map, as it affects the accuracy, quality and completeness of the data presented on the map.
During decryption, experts identify and classify various objects and natural elements in the images, such as agricultural land (arable land, including rain-fed, irrigated, clogged with stones, with an irrigation network, estuary irrigation, floodplain, etc.; hayfields and pastures, including floodplain, dry land, swampy, radical improvement, with irrigation network, irrigated, estuary irrigation, littered with pebbles, sand or stones, clean, overgrown with shrubs, overgrown forests, overgrown with sedges, etc.; deposits, including clean, stone-clogged, overgrown with shrubs or overgrown forests, with an irrigation network, estuary irrigation, floodplains, etc.; perennial plantations; roads, hydrography and hydraulic structures, and others, which are the basis for creating digital maps.
The period of field work is usually associated with the warm season and can vary from 6-8 months.

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